Nutrients in soybeans show similar hormone estrogen properties and alleviate the symptoms of menopause, especially at night. Soy is being studied as a natural alternative to estrogen and as replacement therapy. But, unlike estrogen, soy does not increase the risk of breast cancer.Over the past few years, ostrich eggs have become in demand among the population of Eurasia and America. Some people eat them to be fashionable, and others eat them because of their useful properties. You can buy such a delicacy on special ostrich farms, the number of which grows over the years in almost every city in Europe and Asia. This is what my blog is about today.
Only unfertilized eggs are used for food. Ostriches, as a rule, lay eggs in the warm season, so in winter this delicacy is almost impossible to purchase.
Ostrich eggs have an average weight of 1 to 1.5 kg, which is 30-35 times more than the usual chicken egg. The color of the shell depends on the breed of the bird and varies from pinkish-yellow (in Nanda ostriches) to black-green (in Emus ostriches). The protein has a transparent color, similar to that of other birds, and the yolk is a much richer, brighter yellow.
Like any other eggs, ostrich eggs are rich in protein and fats, which are primarily involved in the building of cells in any organ of the human body. Unlike normal chicken eggs, ostrich eggs are completely devoid of harmful substances, because ostriches are fed with high-quality food and they will not consume contaminated food. A 1600 g egg contains 1 kg of protein and 330 g of fat. One adult person for consumption of the daily rate of the main food components needs 100 g of such eggs.
In addition to the main organic substances, ostrich eggs contain vitamins and minerals. Thus, the average vitamin A content in 1g of an egg is 19 μg, vitamin E – 115-117 μg, vitamin B2 – 2 μg. This is almost 2 times higher than in chicken eggs. Also, ostrich embryos contain potassium (0.5–1 mg per 100 g), phosphorus (1 mg per 100 g), sodium (3 mg per 100 g) and calcium (1.5 mg per 100 g). The calorie content of these eggs is 120-160 kcal per 100g of product, which allows them to be used in various weight-loss programs too.
Ostrich eggs, in addition to their nutritional values, are used as a form of treatment and prevention of certain pathological conditions. Thus, in the cardiovascular system, the positive effect of ostrich eggs is found in the prevention of heart attacks, heart failure, angina pectoris and arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and varicose veins. Ostrich eggs help also to go through the rehabilitation period after the heart attack.
Ostrich eggs are recommended for people with excess weight. Products made from the protein and yolk of this bird allow you to lose weight and keep it off even when the diet is over.
Ostrich eggs help children with the proper and timely development of brain and heart tissues, taking an active part in building cells and their membranes. Children become more resilient to physical exertion, more diligent during mental work and active when communicating with their peers.
The shell of ostrich eggs is an excellent source of calcium, which is 3 times more than in chicken embryos. For brittle bones, after fractures and cracks, as well as for menopausal women, it is recommended to eat the ground-up shells. It is enough for 1 month to take 0.5 tsp of this powder. Repeated courses can be taken over 5-6 months. For convenience, you can drip a few drops of natural lemon juice just before use. It will soften the powder a little.
An experienced doctor, looking at the patient’s face, can tell (with a high degree of probability) what and how a patient eats. This is my post today.
If there is a rash on their forehead then it may mean that the intestines are heavily clogged with food and the alarms begin to ring. They simply cannot cope with digesting so much food. And for girls who are sitting on a non-cholesterol diet, who have excluded fats and oil from the diet, rashes appear on the temples.
The cause? The gallbladder requires oil and fat, it wants to move. The area around the eyes is the area of the kidneys. If less than 2 liters of water enter the body per day, or too much, then the kidneys start to suffer and then swelling will appear under the eyes the next morning. The space between the eyebrows is the projection zone of the liver. Problems with this organ occur when a person eats heavy food, as evidenced by inflammatory processes (acne) on the skin between the eyebrows.
Cheeks show what’s happening in the stomach. It cannot be overloaded. The stomach loves it when a person eats a little, often and only fresh food. But the bright red nose in the morning says that it was not necessary in the evening to drink so much alcohol.
Each of us can look in the mirror at our face and read the signals that the body sends us. From these signs, we can draw some conclusions and make the necessary changes to our diet.
What makes up a healthy menu? What products ruin our skin, and which help us to look beautiful? First about the bad.
– Fast food. Teenagers’ favourite food. Yes, it is really tasty. But the fat from such foods will gradually lead to skin problems. For example, girls who love french fries often have very oily skin with various kinds of rashes.
– Spices. In small quantities these help to improve digestion. But their excessive use is not the best way to improve the condition of the skin.
– Alcohol. Another enemy of female beauty. A glass of wine is the norm for one day, not every hour.
And what products can be considered to be our assistants? There are a lot of them, but three are the most useful.
Nutrition1. Tomatoes. These juicy fruits are able to protect our skin from sun exposure, they prevent the so-called photo-aging – permanent damage to the skin by ultraviolet light. Their structure contains a substance lycopene, which is also a powerful antioxidant.
2. Carrots. Juicy carrots contain beta-carotene, which also protects from the sun. This vegetable provides a lot of keratin (natural protein) for the skin and hair.
3. Pig Fat. In reasonable quantities, the favorite product of many has a positive effect on the skin of the face- namely that it makes it cleaner.
It is important not to forget about one thing: if you ate something bad in the evening, your face will surely remind you of it in the morning. Therefore, you should try to include healthy food in your diet and will look amazing in the morning.
Cherry pie – the traditional recipe with the addition of whole wheat flour (step-by-step with photos). Pies made according to this recipe are very tasty, fluffy and fragrant, and will especially appeal to fans that bake with whole wheat flour. Since it is quite difficult to work with, we added good-quality wheat flour. And as a fat component, we used high-quality pork lard. However, if you are used to making the dough for pies entirely of white flour and margarine, it won’t hurt.
For the filling, fresh or frozen cherries are used – about 700g. In order to prevent the cherries exuding too much liquid, (which when baking prevents the dough from rising) they need to be sprinkled with 1 tablespoon of potato starch.
Before you prepare the cherry pies, warm a little milk. The egg and lard should also be at room temperature.
Before you prepare the cherry pies, warm a little milk. The egg and lard should also be at room temperature.
If you use margarine, melt it in a pan until slightly warm. Once this condition is met, start preparing the dough.
1. Sift and mix both types of flour into one container. Add the yeast. Add salt and sugar to the dry mixture.
9. Stir first with a spoon, and then manually with your hands until the dough begins to come unstuck from the hands, form into a stable ball and becomes stretchy.
10. Return it to the same container and place in a warm oven. The temperature should be within 30.
11. When the dough has risen (the process takes about an hour), add the starch into the bowl with the cherries and mix thoroughly.
12. After about an hour, the dough should have risen to be at least twice as big as it was.
14. Manually pinch off the portions you want to make. If you want to make large cakes, their weight must be about 60g each, in which case you will make 12 pieces.
22. In 20-30 minutes. the cakes will noticeably increase in volume. It means it’s time to bake them. The baking temperature for an electric oven – 10 min at 150.
23. While the pies are baking, mix 2 tablespoons of strong black tea or regular drinking water with 1 tablespoon of sugar. It’s the icing to give the cakes a delicious appearance.